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Leaderborad: Task1 - Person Authentication

Leaderboard according to the test set data and last submitted solution*
Rank # Name Accuracy Timestamp
1itrade8950.94212016-04-06 11:47:08
2ar2u0.92982016-04-15 10:08:01
3valikund0.91742016-05-11 08:53:38
4ECKNN0.87192016-04-08 16:56:09
5KNN0.86782016-04-08 16:58:03
61NN0.85542016-04-08 16:58:54
7ghostrider770.83472016-09-26 16:24:16
8kokokitti0.80172016-04-09 20:43:30
9a0.69012019-04-19 13:08:05
10d0.64462019-04-16 13:46:09
11Hai0.57852016-04-04 12:31:52
12random0.52019-04-10 16:03:59
13yc0.02892017-07-24 06:50:29

Leaderboard according to the best performance on test set data*
Rank # Name Accuracy Timestamp
1valikund0.97112016-05-11 08:40:08
2ar2u0.95452016-04-14 22:09:59
3itrade8950.94632016-03-25 16:31:25
4kokokitti0.91742016-04-09 18:35:48
5Hai0.87192016-04-03 20:15:14
ECKNN0.87192016-04-08 16:56:09
7KNN0.86782016-04-08 16:58:03
81NN0.85542016-04-08 16:58:54
9ghostrider770.83472016-09-26 16:23:50
10a0.69012019-04-19 13:08:05
11d0.64462019-04-16 13:46:09
12random0.52016-03-23 15:06:43
13yc0.02892017-07-24 06:50:29
* Please note that the final evaluation will be performed on the evaluation dataset, based on the last submitted solution of each participant.